Staffing Analyses and Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Delivering safety and justice is a people intensive project – meaning that our clients’ most valuable resource is an efficient and effective workforce that delivers results. However, consistently evolving service demands, qualified personnel, and fiscal resources require our clients to navigate these changes. Every day, in every corner of the country, our clients wrestle with questions like: What is the right level of personnel for our police department now and into the future – and how can we use data to guide us? What are the best strategies for our department to retain current law enforcement employees and recruit new ones? Are our pay scales and career ladders competitive with our peer jurisdictions? We partner with our clients to answer these, and similar, questions and tackle their hardest staffing challenges – using data analysis, expert insights, and proven solutions to drive results.
See our Staffing Analyses and Recruitment and Retention Strategies projects
Organizational and Operational Assessment
We help inform government leaders’ investments in effective and efficient criminal justice and public safety services. We assess the organizational structure and operations of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ and public defenders’ offices, and fire and EMS departments to objectively analyze those departments’ strengths and challenges and make recommendations to meet those communities’ current and future service needs. We develop action plans, management strategies, and performance metrics to help government and department leaders monitor and improve organizational performance to meet their goals.
See our Organizational and Operational Assessment projects
Policy, Planning, and Process Improvement
Government policies, planning, and processes should be effective, efficiently use taxpayer investment, and evolve with changing community needs and new insights informed by research. We help governments reimagine their systems, policies, planning, and processes to improve justice outcomes, transparency, and accountability. We also support governments that seek to shift their policies toward prevention-first strategies and alternatives to the traditional criminal justice response. We offer our clients process mapping (both as a diagnostic tool and to codify existing practices), hands-on support to improve financial processes, research on best and promising practices, and detailed implementation roadmaps to improve internal processes and service delivery.
See our Policy, Planning, and Process Improvement projects
The best strategy is only as strong as its implementation. As former government leaders, we know that recommendations not grounded in current and prospective fiscal reality – or without fiscal context – are frequently sources of unfulfilled promise. As former public safety, criminal justice, and budget leaders in government, we provide our clients with unique insights, expertise, and experiences to help them connect strategy to budgetary reality and sustainability. We develop financial projections for fiscal or program decisions, initiatives, or policy changes and analyze the costs of doing business as usual. We deliver customized, nuanced modeling that is approachable and useable – training our clients in how to use our models beyond our engagement so they can enhance their internal capacity and decision-making processes.
See our Financial Planning and Fiscal Impact Analysis projects